40 Days to Personal Revolution
What Is It?
40 days to Personal Revolution is a program that is designed to create radical change in your life. Through yoga, meditation, and mindful living, this program helps you realign with your goals and gain insight into your habits. By becoming more intentional about sugar, caffeine, and alcohol, you’ll create space for healthier patterns to emerge. Whether you’re looking to start fresh or cultivate lasting change, this journey offers the tools, guidance, and community to support your growth and unlock your potential.
Why Do It?
This program is more than a reset—it’s an investment in yourself. The tools you gain here are timeless, empowering you to create meaningful and lasting changes in your life. Wherever you are on your journey, this program meets you there, with compassion and possibility. All it takes is an open heart and a willingness to embrace the process.
When Is It?
40 Days to Personal Revolution is a program that will run between February 2nd and March 13th. Every week, you will receive guided at-home meditations and yoga practices. Additionally, we will meet every Sunday afternoon at the Manayunk studio from 3:45-4:45 PM. During each meeting, we will explore a specific theme that is tailored to support you in your journey. The meetings will be filled with rich content, and there will be plenty of time to share and reflect on your experience with others through guided inquiry work.
How Much Does It Cost?
The cost of the program is $325. The tuition fee includes unlimited yoga sessions from February 2nd–March 13th and weekly meetings held every Sunday between 3:45–4:45, led by Meg Pierce and Larry Cohan, your program facilitators. Additionally, you'll receive weekly guided at-home meditations and yoga practices.
Participants are responsible for purchasing the book 40 Days to Personal Revolution by Baron Baptiste, which is a key part of the program.
If you're a Hotbox member with an auto-renew subscription, you can join the program for just $150, in addition to your membership. To sign up at this special rate, please email manager@hotboxyoga.com.
Please note that all workshop registrations are non-refundable.